Livre d'or
20 message(s) dans le livre d'or
Toute l'équipe du moulin de vaux vous remercie d'être venu nous voir et d'avoir partagé notre passion des chevaux, poneys et de la campagne du charolais Brionnais
En espérant que vous avez aprécié notre acceuil, les chevaux , le cadre , les activités proposées ........
vos commentaires nous sont chers et espérant vous revoir bientôt.....
- Le 25/09/2023
do you already know the vaccines you should give to your new babies come on and visit my site to find out -
- Shawnlaf Le 15/12/2022
гастроэнтеролог краснодар краевая -
- vhbjc368 Le 18/11/2022 - can - complain - volunteer -
- reusx729 Le 18/11/2022 - recollect - golden - attractive -
- yskvk73 Le 18/11/2022 - young - research - salary -
- Ronaldfer Le 22/08/2022
One of America’s most accurate tech investors says this tech could trigger the single biggest financial event since 1602 -
- Cartergutty Le 05/07/2022
You can't get blood out of a stone Link to proverb.
Army marches on its stomach - An.
Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - An.
One might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
A golden key can open any door Link to proverb.
A new broom sweeps clean. -
- Mariocef Le 03/07/2022
Too many times to count, right.
It’s a great saying, but it’s not something you’d necessarily repeat over the dinner table.
Another success aphorism comes from Chris Grosser.
Examples of Aphorism in Politics
Washington’s message was that it’s wiser to be upfront and deal with the consequences.
People often use this quote when discussing health, but Franklin was talking about fire safety.
Not good.
Your stories can benefit from this method too.
An aphorism is a literary device that uses a short, clever saying to express a general truth.
Both sayings highlight the benefits of waking up early.
Don’t count on things that haven’t happened yet because something unexpected could occur.
Michael Corleone from The Godfather II disagreed with that.
This also reminds me of a precept by Sir Edwin Sandys, a politician who helped establish Jamestown, Virginia.
It’s easier to do it yourself rather than try to explain it to someone else.
Finally, All things come to those who wait is a good aphorism we’re all familiar with.
Your stories can benefit from this method too. -
- Mariocef Le 03/07/2022
Now here’s the big question.
Now compare that proverb to this famous aphorism.
This famous motto highlights the truism that life is full of ups and downs.
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Napoleon Bonaparte could relate.
It’s easier to do it yourself rather than try to explain it to someone else.
But these days.
For example.
What is an Aphorism.
Your wish is my command.
So what do you do.
See for yourself.
We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.
The origins of this saying are open for debate, but it’s primarily attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
Not good.
For example. -
- Mariocef Le 02/07/2022
How do aphorisms differ from adages and proverbs.
We see this in literature all the time.
The meaning.
He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.
Napoleon Bonaparte could relate.
One of his most notable is, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Why is this stuff important.
So my advice.
Are you in.
Proverbs, on the other hand, can be much longer than aphorisms and adages.
Better safe than sorry is a piece of wisdom from Samuel Lover’s book, Rory O’More.
But Yoda isn’t having it.
Have you ever felt frustrated when other people didn’t meet your expectations.
The complete quote was, A Jack of all trades and master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
search bar with "what use aphorism." written
Give it a try! -
- Mariocef Le 02/07/2022
They’re inspirational quotes.
The early bird gets the worm.
It’s better safe than sorry, right.
Remember that.
Let me ask you.
Sometimes, though.
This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.
So my advice.
How do aphorisms differ from adages and proverbs.
Brevity is the key.
The original dictum said, A penny spar’d is twice got, but it’s adapted over the years for modern English.
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Washington’s message was that it’s wiser to be upfront and deal with the consequences.
He’s earned that title because he’s authored dozens of aphorisms.
But these days.
As they say, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. -
- PedroBet Le 23/05/2022
The sci-fi technology tackling malarial mosquitos - Environmental campaigner Liz O'Neill doesn't mince her words about gene drives - the next generation of genetic modification (GM) technology -
- Frenchmxjf Le 23/03/2022
But what I'vе discovеrеd ovеr time is that sоme of the wisest рeople I know havе аlso been sоme оf the most brоken pеoрle. -
- ThomaniKnins Le 18/03/2022
Sеlf-Improvеmеnt аnd succеss gо hаnd in hand. Taking thе stеps to mаkе уоursеlf а bеttеr and mоre well-roundеd individuаl will prove to be a wise dеcision.
The wisе рerson fеels thе pain of оne arrоw. Thе unwisе feеls thе pаin of twо.
When lооking fоr wise words, the best оnes оften cоmе from our eldеrs.
Yоu'vе hеаrd that it's wise tо lеаrn frоm expеriеncе, but it is wiser to lеarn frоm thе еxpеriеnce оf оthers.
Wе tеnd tо think of grеаt thinkers аnd innovаtors as sоloists, but thе truth is that thе greаtеst innоvаtive thinking dоеsn't occur in a vаcuum. Innovation rеsults from cоllаborаtion.
Some of us think hоlding оn makes us strong, but somеtimes it is lеtting gо.
But what I'vе discovered ovеr time is that some of thе wisest рeорle I know hаvе also bеen sоmе оf the most broken pеoplе.
Don't waste yоur timе with еxplanаtiоns, peоple only heаr whаt thеy want tо hеar.
To make difficult dеcisiоns wisеly, it hеlps to hаvе а sуstematic prоcess for assеssing eаch choice and its cоnsеquences - the pоtеntial impact оn еach аsрect оf уоur lifе.
Each of us еxperiencеs dеfеats in life. We cаn transform defeat into victorу if we lеаrn frоm life’s whupрings. -
- Ronaldfer Le 10/07/2021
Cytotec (Misoprostol) is used for reducing the risk of stomach ulcers in certain patients who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Buy Cytotec (Misoprostol) right now - and save your money.
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- DAVID Le 27/08/2019
je suis maéva, j'ai 11 ans, aujourd'hui mardi 27, une petite balade d'une heure à cheval ...trop bien, au début, pas rassurée, c'est la deuxième fois que je monte sur un cheval...mais super contente, trop gentille la monitrice et patiente... gros bisous à vous tous, maéva -
- Devarenne Florian Le 03/09/2017
Vraiment que du bonheur, tout est parfait, dépaysement et décontraction assurées.
Encore merci pour votre accueil chaleureux et en plus on y mange bien ;) -
- leo Le 10/04/2017
C'est dommage de ne pas y aller tous les jours.. les chevaux vous sourient, les filles claquent la bise et le café est toujours chaud!
Bon et puis coté équitation il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les niveaux: dans la nature pour s'aérer, dans la carrière pour se perfectionner.
Bon, faut dire que je suis un peu un habitué. J'ai vu faire de la farine dans le moulin, mais j'ai monté dès la première année du centre équestre... et depuis de l'eau a un peu coulé dans l’Arc once!
A bientôt,
leo -
- Hervé Le 13/12/2016
C'est dommage de ne pas y aller tous les jours.. les chevaux vous sourient, les filles claquent la bise et le café est toujours chaud!
Bon et puis coté équitation il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les niveaux: dans la nature pour s'aérer, dans la carrière pour se perfectionner.
Bon, faut dire que je suis un peu un habitué. J'ai vu faire de la farine dans le moulin, mais j'ai monté dès la première année du centre équestre... et depuis de l'eau a un peu coulé dans l'Arconce!
A bientôt,
Hervé -
- Wilbert Le 28/11/2016
Toujours un bonheur d'y aller. Pour une petite balade à cheval ou juste pour passer dire un petit bonjour et profiter du paysage.
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